Ok, you’ve booked your family session with Vintage Grain Photography. Now the big question, what do you wear? Here are a few tips when picking out you and your family’s outfits for your session.
-Stick to mostly solid colors. Choose one person to wear a pattern like a plaid, floral or other small print and everyone else can wear a solid color.
-I’m a big fan of using the color wheel to select coordinating colors for a session. Choose three or less colors next to each other from the wheel and plan your outfits around those colors. You can also choose complimentary colors by selecting two colors right across from each other on the wheel. Throw in some neutrals like beige, gray or off-white as well!
The Janke family did a great job using the color wheel as well as using only one pattern!
I love neutrals as well, depending on the time and location of the shoot. Off-white colors and mixed textures are really “in” right now. Hazel and her momma Katie are a good example of this.
-Add a fun accessory like a scarf or necklace for women, but make sure it isn’t too distracting.
-Lastly, BE YOURSELF! If you wouldn’t wear it outside of the photo shoot, don’t wear it for the photo shoot.